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About us


A New Butler Company with Customized, Wide-range and One-stop Service


YIMI Butler College,It is affiliated to Chongqing City Yimi Butler Network Technology Co., Ltd. to train professional housekeepers and home service professionals. The predecessor of the college was Weston Fashion Design College. It was Cheng Liyu in 1996. It was a vocational education institution approved by the Human Resources and Social Security Bureau of Jiangbei District, Chongqing City. It is a skill appraisal institution designated by the Chongqing City Human Resources and Social Security Bureau.

   景:富者贵   劳者荣

Vision: The Rich Noble, the Worker Honor

使    命:让劳动更具价值,让生活更有品质

Mission: To make work more meaningful, to make life more enjoyable

观:敬业   专业    职业

Value: Dedicated, Expertise, Profession

学院寄语:但求辅佐   切莫诋毁

Hope: Help and Assist, but Never Slander

  • 学院成立于

  • 培养各类职业人才

  • 已服务高端别墅家庭

  • 重庆地区全托管

  • 累计满意度达



Enrollment Model:


Target Training: for those signed and entrusted by Kuabu China Brokerage Agency, Kuabu China will cover the training expense, while the College will charge admission fee.


Non-target Training: for those only come for training, training expense shall be charged, but no admission fee.


Businese Partners


Kuabu China: professional butler brokerage agency. They will choose the talented students during the enrollment and sign agreement with them. The agency will cover their training expense during the training and provide 80,000-100,000 Yuan to them as annual living cost. The agency is responsible for the management, promotion and packaging of the butlers. They will share the outcomes with the butlers, on the condition that the income of the butler can reach 200,000 Yuan per year.


YIMI Butler Network Technology Company: the top bulter service business platform in China which only provides service to customers with house floor space exceed 400m2. Subbranchs have been set up in Beijing, Shanghai, Hangzhou and Chongqing, while the oversea Chinese market is on the way. The annual talent gap for professional butlers for the company is 80. And Registration system is applied in butler service in the company.

加入我们!一米管家学院以“中国别墅庄园管家服务标准践行者”为愿景,以“中国现代管家缔造者”为使命,恪守“真才实能、感恩忠诚”的价值观为中国乃至全球的富豪菁英们提供更专业的家庭家族定制服务。 YIMI Butler College takes “Practitioner of Standard Service for Manor and Villa Butler in China” as vision, “Creator of Chinese Modern Butler” as mission, and “Real Talent & Ability, Gratitude & loyalty” as values, and dedicates to provide more professional and customized service for elite population in China and beyond.